Fabric Hand feel evaluation by Fabric Touch Tester (FTT)

Picture of Md. Himel Mahmud
Md. Himel Mahmud

Fabric Touch Tester (FTT):

Fabric Touch Tester (FTT) indices, their units and usual interpretation:

Sl. No.Fabric PropertyIndexFull FormUnit Used in FTT Software (SI unit)Interpretation
1BendingBARBending Average Rigiditygf mm rad-1 (N m rad-1)This indicates the force required to bend
BWBending Workgf mm rad (N m rad)This is the work needed to bend
 2Surface FrictionSFCSurface Friction CoefficientIt expresses the coefficient of surface friction on the ribbed-plate’s surface
 3Surface RoughnessSRASurface Rough-ness Amplitudeµ m (m)It expresses the roughness irregular wave amplitude
SRWSurface Rough-ness WavelengthMm (m)It expresses the roughness irregular wave wavelength
          4CompressionCWCompression Workgf mm (N m)The amount of Work required to compress the specimen
CRRCompression Recovery RateThis is the change in the Percentage of thickness after compression
CARCompression Average Rigiditygf mm-3 (N m-3)This is the amount of force required to compress the specimen
RARRecovery Average Rigiditygf mm-3 (N m-3)This is the force reflected during recovery of the specimen
CRRThicknessMm (m)This is the thickness of the specimen
        5Thermal ConductivityTCCThermal Conductivity under Compression10-3 W m-1 °C-1 (W m-1 °C-1)It is the energy transmitted during the compression of the specimen
TCRThermal Conductivity under Recovery10-3 W m-1 °C-1 (W m-1 °C-1)It is the energy transmitted during the recovery of the specimen
QmaxThermal Maximum FluxW mm-2 (W m-2)It is the max energy trans-mitted during the time of compression

Sample Preparation and Working Method:

Machine Description:

Result and Data Analysis:

Evaluation of Fabric Touch Tester (FTT):


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